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Experience the warmth of Friday night dinner shared with other Jewish families. Geared for ages 0-10; activities, stories, songs and fun for all!

JAN 10

5:30-7:30 pm

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Our monthly Shabbat morning services are traditional and are conducted in a joyous and casual atmosphere.

The prayer book is bi-lingual and various English readings are included in the service. Song and commentary add meaning and participation to the prayers. Services are followed by a Kiddush.

Jan 11 at 10:00 am

in honor of a family occasion or in memory of a loved one.

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A monthly Shabbat dinner with friends.


Shabbat with Aryeh Canter

As the Co-founder of Beit Ari, a communal Jewish space in Berkeley, Aryeh teaches the power of prayer, simcha and the importance of bringing the lessons of chasidut into daily life. 

January 17, 7 pm.

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Journey of the Soul

Class 1

JAN 14

Discover the odyssey of your soul. Find out where it came from, where it’s going, and what it’s doing right now.

What happens when we leave this world & where do we go?


Is reincarnation fact of fiction?

Is death traumatic for our soul or will it be a painless exit?

Is there a before and after?

Is hell a Jewish concept?

Class 2

JAN 21

Class 3

JAN 28


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