I've had several cities I've called home
Montreal first, and close after New York which we visited every few months and where Yanky and I began our life together.
Most recently El Cerrito, our permanent home, the place where all our children were born.
I came to Israel for the first time at 16 and 8 times subsequently. The total time I've spent here totals less than 6 months, yet it feels like home to me the same way those places I've lived in do.
Here is a note of gratitude to Jerusalem, where I'm fortunate to be spending a few days.
Applause accompanies the landing on your ground
The winding roads and mountains a welcoming embrace
You pulse with the heartbeat of a people
Stepping out into the sunshine
I navigate your familiar streets
Every corner with another surprise to offer
Your stones are cool to the touch
They have stood the test of time
I take in the sweet air
The smells of your cuisine
I hear music all around
Loudspeakers, drums and calls to prayer
Throngs of people who've come to see you
Your beauty and mystery
Brothers and sisters of all types and stripes
Most of all I feel the joy that is here
In the city that G-d chose as home
Jerusalem of fire, heart of the world